

We’ve all heard of WiFi, which uses radio waves to transmit computer signals. We’ve also heard how these radio waves can travel outside our walls, are susceptible to being hacked and compromise our security. Although the speeds for WiFi have gone up drastically they still pale compared to wired networks which tend to have more security with them as well, but we all love our mobile gadgets to remain mobile without wires.

Enter LiFi a new technology that could be out on the markets very soon. It uses light to communicate, by placing a device on your light fixtures. It uses really quick flashes of light in a certain spectrum that’s undetectable to humans to send data back and forth to devices. Since the light doesn’t travel through walls it also means someone in the vicinity can’t just pick up your signal and try to hack it. It also means less interference with other equipment that radio frequencies interfere with.

The beauty is that it’s much, much faster than WiFi as well up to 100 times faster. Typically though in our homes we don’t utilize these types of speeds and since most of what we use our networks for is using the internet this means that our internet connection is usually the bottleneck (slow point) of what we do.

This means LiFi will more than likely be something that is geared toward businesses or home users that prefer the added security.

LiFi Computer Netowrking Technology