March 30, 2017

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is the prefix for the series of GUI (Graphical User Interface) operating systems released by Microsoft. The first of this series is Windows 1.0, released in 1981 as an extension to the already popular Microsoft DOS (Disk Operation System), which lacked functionality as it could do a very limited amount of operations. For example, it did not allow window overlapping, except for textboxes. The next operating systems in the Windows series was the Microsoft Windows NT subseries, which includes Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows ME that released from 1995-2000. These releases introduced object oriented user interface; meaning that it allowed users to use the mouse to move certain objects on the desktop. It also allows 255 character long file names, and the ability to automatically detect and configure hardware. The current Microsoft Windows series is split into 2 different groups, one for server side use and one for client side use. The client side Windows operating system include Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, which are released from 2001- Present day. Windows XP was released in 2001, and became the first to adopt both a ‘Home’ and professional version. Microsoft has ended support for users that still use Windows XP. Windows Vista was released in 2006, and it featured many upgrades from Windows XP; however, most of the upgrades were technical changes focused on security. Windows 7 came up shortly after Windows Vista in 2009; it focused to be more of an upgrade to the Windows series of operating system.